Students Council

Student Council

In order to give dynamism to the academic life, this council has been created keeping in mind the objective of making the students play a positive role in the classes as well as in the society. In fact, this council is a link in the intellectual development of the students themselves. Various programs are organized by the organization every year. Where the Student Council becomes a part of these programmes, it also organizes various programs at its own level through its clubs. These clubs provide a platform for interaction among themselves and with the outside world, though it may be formal or informal, but it inculcates passion among the youth and develops their organizational skills. Clubs provide a platform for work, fun and bring a good balance of leisure activities and ensure all round development of the students. Following Clubs under students council:

  1. Literary Club
  2. Happiness & Well Being Club
  3. Sports Club
  4. Yoga Club
  5. Energy & Water Saver Club

Importance of Student Clubs

Student clubs are the main focus of student activities. They provide a worthwhile platform for the creative juices of young minds. Clubs provide an opportunity to the students to apply the experiences learned at the institution in a positive way to the outside world. It helps students acquire invaluable leadership as well as life skills. In addition to connecting other students with similar interests, student clubs provide opportunities for students to interact with alumni and professionals in their fields of interest.

Benefits of Student Clubs

  • Students Clubs enrich your experience.
  • Build a diverse community. encourage participation
  • Provide opportunities to the students to make them right citizens.
  • Helps in building formal and informal networks.
  • These clubs organize events and meetings throughout the academic year.

Objective and Works of Students Club

  1. Literary Club

Objective:- Literary Club has been formed with the combination of Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit and English languages. The objective of the club is to nurture a passion for literature among the students, thereby enhancing their creativity and language acquisition. The club provides a platform to the students to showcase their literary interests and abilities. Thereby, their creative potential is encouraged to enhance their personality development.


  • To organize literary activities and programs.
  • Organizing debates, group discussions, interactive sessions, poetry and short story writing and quiz competitions.
  • Organizing lectures on human and literary values, rules. •Promoting creative potential in students.


  1. Happiness and Well-Being Club

Objective:- The club aims to inculcate in the students the spirit of service for the betterment of society and the spirit of mutual help. To encourage the students for social service oriented activities which develop the spirit of social welfare among the students.


  • Managing essential items to the needy people.
  • Creating awareness on social issues.
  • Promoting mutual evening among students and people.
  • To propagate human values.
  1. Sports Club

 Objective:- The Sports Club encourages the students to develop their sporting skills in various outdoor and indoor games like Football, Table Tennis, Cricket, Kabaddi, Athletics, Chess, Carrom Board, Shuttle Badminton, Physical fitness programs. Our college has grounds and equipment for each of these sports. The club also encourages the students to participate in inter college and intramural college sports competitions.


  • To create awareness about sports.
  • Propagating the spirit of sports.
  • Strengthening the physical and mental abilities of the students through sports.
  • Promoting the participation of students in sports competitions.
  1. Yoga Club

 Objective:- This club helps to understand physical and mental control with the aim of students to keep their body and mind fit and build a healthy society. The student associated with this not only keeps the body and mind healthy, but also fills life with satisfaction, happiness and joy by taking inspiration, vigilance. The main objective of the club is to reduce stress, anxiety and negative thoughts etc which are increasing day by day in this mechanical human life activities.


  • Conducts yoga training classes.
  • Conducts lectures on subjects like education and moral values.
  • Organizes competitions related to yoga.
  • Provides services like awareness programs for yoga classes to the needy people.
  1. Energy & Water Saver Club


The main objective of this club is to emphasize on the judicious use of energy and water. Along with preventing the misuse of energy and water, it also promotes its proper use. Inspires students to indirectly increase the sense of environmental protection and imbibe it practically.


  • Shutting off energy equipment when not needed.
  • Propagation of use of water resources according to need.
  • Conducting lectures on proper use of energy and water resources.
  • To propagate the importance of energy and water in students and society.


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